Wednesday 18 May 2011

sorry, this is the facebook group page....

we have gone Facebook official

For anyone who is on facebook, this is a link to the Art of Conversation group where the chat continues. Plus pictures and videos from the performance have been uploaded thanks to the lovely Claire Sharples.

Monday 16 May 2011


There is an interesting on 'Slutwalk' by Germaine Greer at Look it up ! It will be in the 'womens' health'  section .


Saturday 14 May 2011

What comes out of chatty women...

Delivering my documentary to you as promised!

Always throws up some questions around (mis)representation so I hope you're all happy, particularly with the edit which can be viewed on a charming AoC group page I made just for the job and more loose chat and updates -

Have loved the skewing of ownership and anonymity throughout - 

The audio at the beginning: whose voice, whose words
Blogging under a shared name (or despite people using their own it being a bit of a guess/process of elimination job at first)
& the confessions
So here are some of the photos, more on the group page. Best,  C

Hen Do or Hen Don't

I've had this idea about a journal - an academic journal with papers written by all kinds of different people.

About Hen Do's.

I seemed to have reached the point in my life where my friends think it's ok to ask me to shell out £300 on a weekend away and a further £250 on another weekend away (and at least one day off work) later in the same year. They cleverly disguise these 'weekends away' as a "Hen Do" and a "Wedding".

Don't get me wrong - I love a good night out, but I do wonder what these Hen Do's really say about modern, liberated, educated women about to embark on an equal(?) partnership for the rest of their years.

And on said Hen Do, it's ok to carry around all manner of willy paraphernalia ... when did you last see a stag do with a cunt straw, or a cunt balloon ... no, thought not.

So anyway, this is a call for papers - 2,000 word limit, to be submitted by the 14th July 2011 to me as a word doc; I'll make a blog. I'll invite others to submit. If it ever goes anywhere I'll set up a co-operative so we all gain. Oh and I'm the editor.

Please spread the word far and wide. Papers can be fun, serious, academic, positive, negative, by men or by women.

Kirstin x

Thursday 12 May 2011

sweet dreams

Just woken up from a dream that i think is trying to tell me something:

I realised i needed sharp knives for the performance and knocked on the door where 2 Pigeons were up to something!They showed me where boxes of them were laid out and asked if i could self-serve.I then started a very satisfying carving of polystyrene but was aware of the fact that certain people were missing that were vital if everything was going to be ok.

Then I lost my sight and with totally blurred vision kept walking the wrong way into closed exits trying to find the performance space.

I walked in and saw my son and his friend watching me perform.Me and the other performer were muppets though you could only see our heads. I am saying in a Miss Piggy voice "We're doing this all wrong" I am wondering if my son will hear himself talked about amongst the taped stories.

Anyone would think I was anxious about tonight's Happening!!

Sunday 8 May 2011

One for the team

Leaping in with a bit of a better late than never effort and no idea what to say...

Had a gander at other contributions as they've appeared and they are an interesting counter slant to the collaborative conversational bit that we do of a Thursday, possibly more insightful than talk from my point of view - is that generally understood? - not sure whether it's just concentration, the ability for people to shape and deliver their contributions as independent statements or having both the face to face and blogging in tandem.

As I seem to have opted out out of the performance I was hoping you might all be happy for me to get snap happy and document the night (with editing rights to the pics of course).

Look forward to Thursday - see you all then. Best,
